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10 Ways to Drive Traffic from Pinterest in the UK

Pinterest is a global social media platform that is used by millions of people in the United Kingdom and all over the world. Pinterest is popular in the UK due to its topics related to home decor, fashion, food, and DIY projects.

However, the platform also has a wide range of content related to other topics, including health, travel, business, and more.

Businesses in the UK can use Pinterest as a marketing platform. This can be done by creating profiles on the platform, creating and promoting content, and using paid advertising options like promoted pins and shopping ads to reach a wider audience.

In addition to being used by individuals and businesses, Pinterest is also a popular platform for influencers in the UK. Influencers on Pinterest are users with a large following who are considered experts or authorities in their field and often use the platform to share content related to their interests and expertise.

Now that you understand how Pinterest is used in the UK, let’s discuss 10 ways to drive traffic from Pinterest in the UK.

1). Create high-quality and visually appealing pins 

Create high-quality and visually appealing pins

Creating visually appealing pins can catch the attention of users scrolling through their feeds and entice them to click on the pin to learn more. Since Pinterest is a visual search engine, the more visually appealing and relevant a pin is to the user, the more likely they are to engage with it.

Additionally, If a user saves a visually appealing pin to one of their boards, it can be seen by their followers, which can lead to additional traffic for the pinned content.

Overall, creating high-quality, visually appealing pins that are relevant and optimized for search can help drive traffic from Pinterest to your website or other linked content in the UK.

2). Use relevant keywords and hashtags

2). Use relevant keywords and hashtags

Keywords and hashtags help users discover your content and make it more visible to a wider audience.

When users search for specific keywords or hashtags on Pinterest, the platform displays pins that contain those keywords or hashtags. This means that if you use relevant keywords and hashtags in your pin titles, descriptions, and tags, your pins are more likely to show up in search results and be seen by users who are interested in content like yours.

Apart from helping users discover your content, using keywords and hashtags can also help you reach a more targeted audience. For example, if you use relevant keywords and hashtags in your pins, you can attract users who are specifically interested in those topics and through that drive more targeted traffic to your website or blog.

3). Utilize Pinterest Analytics

3). Utilize Pinterest Analytics

Utilizing Pinterest Analytics helps you to understand what types of content are performing well and tailor your strategy accordingly. Pinterest Analytics can provide insights into the types of pins and boards that are resonating with your audience, allowing you to optimize your content strategy and drive more traffic to your website.

Pinterest Analytics help you understand how your content is performing and help you to improve your marketing strategy. There are several ways through which Pinterest Analytics helps in driving traffic from Pinterest.

One way is by providing data on the performance of your pins and boards. This data may include information on the number of impressions, clicks, and saves your pins are receiving, as well as the engagement rate and reach of your boards. Analyzing this data can help identify the pins and boards that are performing well and use this information to guide your future content strategy on Pinterest.

Pinterest analytics also help in understanding the demographics of your audience such as their location, gender, and their interests. With this, you can create content that focuses more on your audience’s interests and which is more likely to drive traffic to your website or blog.

The tool also provides data on the performance of your promoted pins. By analyzing the data on your promoted pins, you can identify the tactics that are most effective at driving traffic and conversions and use this information to optimize your promoted pin campaigns.

4). Participate in Pinterest group boards

Participate in Pinterest group boards

Participating in Pinterest group boards can help drive traffic from Pinterest by exposing your content to a wider audience in the UK and even other parts of the world.

These boards are created by one user and shared with other users, who can then contribute their own pins to the board. Group boards are often centered around a specific theme or topic, and the pins that are added to the board should be related to that theme.

By participating in group boards, your content can be seen by the followers of the group board and the other users who contribute to it. This can in return increase the visibility of your pins and potentially drive more traffic to your website or blog.

To participate in group boards, search for boards related to your content and reach out to the owner of the board to request to join. It’s important to carefully choose the group boards you join and make sure that the pins you contribute to the board are relevant and of high quality. 

5). Do Collaborations

Do Collaborations

Through working with influencers or other businesses in the UK, you can help your content reach new people and drive traffic to your website.

Pinterest influencers have a large number of followers and are considered experts in their field.

Collaborating with them can help expose your content to their followers who might find your content interesting and may even visit your website.

You can also collaborate with other businesses in your industry and give your content a chance to get to users who are interested in your industry. This is more effective if the other business has a large Pinterest audience.

If done correctly, this can be a powerful way to drive traffic to your website from Pinterest. You can do these collaborations by creating joint boards, taking part in Pinterest challenges or collaboration, and also through Partnerships.

6). Use Pinterest Ads 

Use Pinterest Ads

Pinterest ads help target specific demographics and interests with your promoted pins. Pinterest Ads allow you to reach a targeted audience based on specific criteria, such as location, demographics, and interests.

Pinterest Ads are a paid advertising option that allows businesses in the UK and even other parts of the world to promote their content on the platform and also drive traffic to their website or blog.

There are different types of Pinterest Ads such as Promoted Pins.

These are regular pins for which you pay a certain amount to have them shown to a wider audience. These pins can appear on a user’s home feed, search results, or specific boards.

Shopping Ads are other types of Pinterest ads. These are pins that feature products from a business’s website.

They include a “Shop” button that allows users to purchase the product directly from the business’s website.

Video Ads are short video ads that are also a type of Pinterest ad. they appear in a user’s home feed or search results. 

Pinterest Ads can be effective for businesses that sell products, as the platform has a large number of users looking for new products to purchase.

7). Optimize your website

Optimize your website

You can optimize your website for Pinterest by adding the “Pin It” button and creating rich pins for your products. By adding the “Pin It” button to your website you make it easy for users to share your content on Pinterest.

Creating rich pins helps provide additional information about your products, such as pricing and availability.

One way to optimize your website is by ensuring it loads quickly. Users are more likely to stay on your website and explore more pages if it loads fast. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help analyze the performance of your website and identify ways to improve its loading speed.

You can also optimize your website by ensuring a clear and intuitive navigation structure, which will help users find what they’re looking for fast and encourage them to explore more pages.

Since most Pinterest users access the platform on their phones, your website needs to be optimized for mobile devices.

This includes making sure your website is responsive, such that it adjusts to the size of the device it’s being viewed on and that all of the elements of your website such as buttons and links are easy to click on with a finger.

Optimizing your website will help create a better user experience for visitors who come to your site from Pinterest and potentially convert into customers.

8). Create visually appealing graphics

Create visually appealing graphics

Creating visually appealing graphics can drive traffic from Pinterest by making your content more attractive to users and increasing the visibility of your pins.

You may also include a call to action to “Follow us on Pinterest” to encourage visitors to follow your account. 

Creating visually appealing graphics for your Pinterest pins makes your content more eye-catching and more likely to be noticed by users.

These users may save or share your pins, making them visible to more users, which can help drive more traffic to your website or blog.

This is an important strategy for driving traffic from Pinterest and should be a key part of your marketing strategy on the platform.

9). Utilize Pinterest’s “Shop the Look” feature

Utilize Pinterest's "Shop the Look" feature

Utilizing Pinterest’s “Shop the Look” feature makes it easier for users to discover and purchase products that are featured in your pins.

Pinterest’s “Shop the Look” feature allows businesses to tag products in their pins and link them to the product pages on their website.

When users come across a “Shop the Look” pin, they can see a pop-up window that shows the featured products and allows them to click through to the product pages to learn more or purchase the products.

By utilizing the “Shop the Look” feature, you can make it easier for users to discover and purchase your products and drive more traffic to their website.

The feature is especially useful for businesses that sell fashion, home decor, or other visually-driven products since it allows users to see how the products look in a real-life context and helps them visualize how they might use the products in their own lives.

Related: Why You Should Quit Facebook And Switch to Pinterest in the UK

10). Engage with your followers and other users

Engage with your followers and other users

Engaging with your followers and other users on Pinterest can drive traffic from the platform by building relationships with your audience.

Responding to comments on your pins shows your followers that you value their engagement and create a sense of community around your content.

You can also drive traffic by following and engaging with other users on Pinterest. By doing this, your content may reach a new audience and encourage them to visit your website or blog. 


Pinterest is one of the most powerful platforms and can be a great source of traffic for your blog. Using it can help drive more traffic to your website from the platform.

The platform is growing stronger and stronger as more people realize this hidden gem. As a website owner who constantly uses images for advertising your products, you will find Pinterest a great tool for driving traffic to your website.

We hope the above 10 ways will help you understand how to use Pinterest to drive your website or blog traffic in the UK.

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