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How Much Does Website Cost in the UK?

Last updated on February 8th, 2024 at 07:40 am

Many factors are usually considered when trying to create an online presence for your brand or business, but one thing you cannot neglect is the website cost in the UK.

The route you decide to choose will determine the website cost, these routes are hiring a freelancer, using a website design agency, using a web builder, and finally using WordPress.

The needs of a small business will differ from that of a personal brand or a big eCommerce website, therefore, the cost will differ based on the needs of your website and your budget.

The cost of building a website in the UK costs from £1000 to £100,000 spending on the size and demand of your website.

This post will give you more information on the different ways you can use to design your website and the estimate of the cost.

1. The cost of hiring a freelancer  in the UK

Freelancers are people who work as writers, web designers, copywriters, graphic designers and other digital professionals on a contract basis. They work with a variety of clients in their areas of expertise.

There are freelance web designers that you can hire to design a customised website design to meet your website needs. A typical freelance web designer will charge you hourly. 

Advantages of hiring Freelance web designers 

  1. They are flexible and readily available
  2. They charge based on their expertise and time
  3. You have a pool of experts to choose from 
  4. They are cheap compared to outsourcing your work to an agency

Disadvantages of hiring a Freelance Web designer

  1. You cannot monitor or supervise their work
  2. Their commitment may fluctuate
  3. They may have access to your company’s vital information

The average cost of hiring a freelance web designer in the UK is £30 – 50 per hour. If you are looking to hire a freelance web designer you can visit freelance websites like Freelancer, Upwork or Fiverr.

2. The cost of using a Web Design agency in the UK

Web design agencies have experts dedicated to meeting the web design needs of people like you. They have both experience and expertise.

Advantages of using a web design agency 

  1. They have a lower risk because you can do a background check and verify their credibility
  2. you can easily hold them accountable for any mishappening 

Disadvantages of using a Web design agency 

  1. It can be expensive compared to other ways you can use to design your website

The average cost of using the services of a web design agency in the UK starts from £3,000 depending on what you want.

You can get web design agencies by searching on Google and checking directories. Make sure also to check the agency’s reviews to verify their credibility and reputation.

3. The cost of Using a web builder in the UK

Web builders are websites with templates that you can use with ease to build your website. It is a DIY platform, you will need a little experience to design a website with them.

Some examples of web builders you can use are Wix, Olitt, Godaddy and Squarespace.

Advantages of using a web builder 

  1. It is easy to use 
  2. It is cheap
  3. You don’t need technical skills to use one
  4. You have a library of templates you can choose from

Disadvantages of using a web builder

  1. It is suitable for all kinds of websites
  2. You are limited to a library of templates
  3. It can become a bit technical as you progress with it

The average cost of using a web builder to design your website in the UK is £10 to 20 per month depending on the platform you decide to use.

4. The cost of using WordPress to design a website in the UK

WordPress is an open-source Content management system with themes and plugins that you can use to design your website in the UK. 

WordPress can be used to design e-commerce and professional websites. It has lots of flexibility and customization.

Advantages of using WordPress to design your website

  1. It doesn’t require many coding skills 
  2. It is easy to use
  3. It has features all kinds of websites
  4. You can easily learn it if you are on a low budget and want to DIY.

Disadvantages of using WordPress to design your website 

  1. You need lots of Plugins to make your website function maximally
  2. It requires updating your theme and plugins frequently 

The average cost of hiring a WordPress developer in the UK is from £700 to thousands of pounds depending on the requirements of your website.

But if you want to design it yourself, you have to worry about hosting and domain fees only. The average hosting cost for hosting in the UK is £10 per month.

Things to consider when hiring a web designer in the UK 

Hiring a web designer in the UK is an important decision, so it’s crucial to consider several factors before making your choice. Here are some key points to ponder:

Before you start:

  • Define your project goals and target audience: What do you want your website to achieve? Who are you trying to reach? Having clear goals will help you find a designer who aligns with your vision.
  • Set a realistic budget: Web design costs can vary depending on the project’s complexity and the designer’s experience. Determine your budget upfront to avoid surprises later.

Finding the right designer:

  • Experience and portfolio: Look for designers with experience in your industry and projects similar to yours. Check their portfolio for quality, design style, and responsiveness.
  • Location: Consider whether you need someone local or are open to remote collaboration. This can impact communication, cost, and time zones.
  • Reputation and reviews: Read online reviews and ask for references to get insights into the designer’s professionalism, communication style, and work ethic.

Project details and communication:

  • Process and timeline: Understand the designer’s workflow, including revisions, feedback loops, and deadlines. Make sure it aligns with your expectations.
  • Communication preferences: Discuss communication channels and frequency. Clear communication is vital for a smooth project.
  • Technical aspects: Discuss if the designer handles website development, SEO optimization, or accessibility considerations. Ensure these align with your needs.

Additional factors:

  • Legal aspects: Understand copyright ownership of the final design and any licensing agreements for images or software.
  • Content and maintenance: Consider who will provide website content and how ongoing maintenance will be handled.
  • Personality and fit: It’s important to feel comfortable and confident working with the designer. Schedule consultations to assess their communication style and personality fit.

Bonus tips:

  • Get quotes from multiple designers: Compare pricing, experience, and portfolios to find the best fit for your needs.
  • Ask detailed questions: Don’t hesitate to ask about their specific experience, process, and approach to your project.
  • Sign a contract: A formal agreement protects both parties and outlines expectations, scope of work, and payment terms.

Increase your chances of finding a talented and reliable web designer who creates a website that meets your goals and exceeds your expectations.


The cost of a website in the UK depends on the requirements of your website and the means you want to use to design it. 

Therefore you need to consider your budget, the type of website you require, and the best means to design it. If these factors are in place you can then meet the right persons to design it for you or acquire the right skills to design it yourself.

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