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How To Get Started With Godaddy eCommerce in 3 Steps

Last updated on June 16th, 2023 at 07:47 am

In this article, you will learn how to get started with Godaddy eCommerce in 3 steps.

These are the steps you will need to move from just an idea to receiving your first order.

In today’s world consumers don’t have to rely on one geographic location anymore… At this level online shopping employs almost two billion people. 

Even getting a small part of the eCommerce pie, you will truly transform your business into a livelihood source for generations to come.

We are going to show you how to build an online store like a pro.

Why is the eCommerce business growing in demand?

Well, to understand this, we have to turn to data to seek answers.

 It is estimated that there will be 2.14 billion global digital buyers in 2021. And considering the world has about 7.87 billion people, that is about 27.2 percent of the world’s population shopping online.

Why should you start an eCommerce business again?

How about scooping the ability to reach millions of people around the world while in your pajama or without ever having to leave your living room.

How does that sound?

What is more?

In 2021, eCommerce sales are expected to account for 18.1 percent of retail sales worldwide.

In short, eCommerce is slowly taking over and you might be left behind.

But, that doesn’t have to be and that is why you are here.

Here is what you need to get to start Godaddy eCommerce anywhere you are.

#1. Find a and fine-tune your idea

See, to start selling online, you must first find the product or service to sell.

The last time I checked, selling nothing isn’t legal yet even though there are some individuals who do that from now and then.

But they all end up where scammers end, nowhere.

If you want to make real money and fast online, you need to find an idea that will attract many buyers to your store.

To do that, you need to take care of the following things first.

a). Do a market research

Market research will reveal what people want to buy but are not getting enough of it.

In other words, it helps you identify gaps in the market.

And that is something you should do as the #1 in your to-do list as you start your business.


I don’t know if you have noticed, but a lot of businesses crash and burn before they reach their first year in business.


Well, let’s just say the owners ignored this stage when starting the Godaddy eCommerce business.

b). Find a product idea

Once you have identified unfulfilled needs in the market, your next step is to figure what type of product will fit.

Here, you have to find a solution that will solve the existing problem. And to do that, you need to understand the target market.

While market research points you in the right direction, it doesn’t offer everything you need to get started with the Godaddy eCommerce business.

So, once you are done with the research, you need to sit down and brainstorm ideas that will help alleviate the pain existing within the group you have identified.

To help you get the perfect product idea, use the following to understand your target audience;

  • Demographics: Statistical data relating to your audience
  • Professional details: Information concerning jobs, competencies, and places of work
  • Psychographics: Metrics and details based on personality traits and innate qualities
  • Goals: Descriptions of what your audience is looking to accomplish
  • Challenges: Pain points and problems your audience faces on a regular basis
  • Influences: Media and impressions your audience typically encounters
  • Buying process: How your target audience makes purchasing decisions
  • Behaviors: An extension of the ‘Buying Process’ with a wider scope, looking at how your target consumers interact across all channels and touchpoints including mobile apps and social media.

By answering all these points truthfully, you have a better chance of having a successful Godaddy eCommerce business.

#2. Create your online store

Now, you understand what is going on in the market and know what is missing.

So, you went ahead and looked for a perfect solution to the problem, great!

Your next move is to create an online store.

This will serve as your storefront where people can come and sample what solutions you have for their problems.

The store can be selling a digital product, like a course, eBook, or service.

Also, it can be offering a physical product. It doesn’t matter actually what form you are selling on your Godaddy eCommerce business as long as it is solving your target audience’s problems.

How to create an online store

This is where your online business takes shape and things get real.

This is why most people quit at this stage of creating a Godaddy eCommerce business.

Here, you will need to pool resources to realize your dreams. And based on the decisions you will make at this stage, you can either make or break your business.

Ideally, there are two ways to create an online store.

a). Hiring a web developer

A web developer brings in the skills of turning your dreams into a reality (creating an online store).

But there is one problem.

You will need to pay them!

Yes, web designers are paid for their skills, and spoiler alert, they are not cheap.

In fact, the average cost of an eCommerce website with 100 to 1000 products is $5000 to $55,000.

And this includes things like design, development, and any other upfront costs. 

That is too much and a no no for most of the entrepreneurs, which leaves them with only one option;

b). Do it yourself

Yes, if you do not have $5K lying around, your next move is to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

But this also has a challenge.

Not all of us are tech-savvy or have any coding knowledge, how then will you get it done?

That is where tools like Godaddy eCommerce builder comes in handy.

It is a free tool you can use to create an online store for free without having to touch the code.

Comes with handy tools and features such as drag-and-drop allowing you to drag an element and drop it anywhere, creating a masterpiece like a pro.

How to use Godaddy eCommerce builder

To get started, head over to

How to use Godaddy eCommerce builder

 And it is free to use, no credit card is required to sign up.

Go ahead and click on Start for Free.

Choose a category for your website.

How to use Godaddy eCommerce builder

By doing so, it will make it easier to create your Godaddy eCommerce website.

Next, pick a name for your online store.

What is the name of your business?

Put it here.

How to use Godaddy eCommerce builder

With that out of the way, here is how the dashboard looks like.

How to use Godaddy eCommerce builder

From here, you need to do the following;

  • Choose a theme – this will dictate how your online store will look. Make sure to use brand colors and fonts (if you have one). And then buttons as well.
  • Click on any image or text to edit – change the existing images to your own, do the same with texts. This should be easy as all you have to do is double-click, delete, write, and save!
  • Publish your site – once you are satisfied with the end result, put your new Godaddy eCommerce website on the web.

This step includes uploading product images and updating any other relevant pieces of information like prices, shipping, return policies, etc.

#3. Promote your online store.

Now that your Godaddy store is up and running, your next move is to let the world know about your new Godaddy eCommerce website!

Let’s face it, you won’t make any sales without people visiting your website. And no one is going to visit without you giving them a reason to check you out.

In the online store world, the ‘build it and they will come’ doesn’t exist. Everything takes deliberate effort to drive people to the site and encouraging them to take action.

With that in mind, here are some of the best eCommerce marketing strategies you can employ to increase the chances of getting that first sale.

Optimize your product pages

Spend a tremendous amount of time optimizing your product pages with regards to SEO and design.

SEO is the tactic that will help you attract people to your Godaddy eCommerce website organically without spending any money.

Talking of SEO, here is what to do next.

Implement eCommerce SEO

SEO is search engine optimization. Here, you are making your website attractive to search engines like Google and Bing so that they may list you on their search result pages (SERP).

Here are some proven ways to nail your eCommerce SEO;

  • Let search engines read reviews.
  • Create dynamic meta descriptions.
  • Keep your product descriptions unique.
  • Only index one version of your domain.
  • Add pagination elements to category pages.
  • Embrace schematic markup.
  • Prioritize speed.
  • Canonical URLs.

Use PPC campaigns

Pay Per Click campaigns are effective because they allow you to narrow down who you want to see your ads.

For example;

Google ads allow you to target based on locations, keywords, gender, among other metrics.

This way, you increase the chances of reaching the perfect buyer that will take action and buy your stuff.

Use social media

Social media is booming!

If you want to make a sale fast with your Godaddy eCommerce business, you better get there before it’s too late.

Go ahead and create a Facebook page, Twitter account, and IG for your business.

Also, pay close attention to emerging platforms like TikTok. Figure out ways you can promote your business using these untapped channels before they are saturated.

Build an email list

There is no doubt email marketing works.

In fact, studies have found that, for every $1 invested in email marketing, you get $44 back!

To gets started, collect emails from your customers and keep sending them information about your business.

Also, keep building the list by enticing the readers with something valuable in exchange for their email addresses.

For example;

Give them a discount code or free shipping if they give you their email address.

Once they are on your list, the goal is to make them trust and see you as a friend.

To do that, follow the 80/20 rule of marketing;

‘For every 3 emails you send, only 1 should be promotional.’

The rest should be aimed at building relationships. It can be entertaining or informative.